Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - County Hall, Swords
No. | Item |
Confirmation and Re-Affirmation of Minutes of Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords Area Committee (Services A - Operational Matters) meeting held on Thursday, 14th September 2023. Minutes of the Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords Area Committee (Services A – Operational Matters) held on the 14th September 2023, which had been circulated were submitted, APPROVED as a true record and signed.
It was proposed by Councillor A. Henchy and seconded by Councillor J. Humphreys and RESOLVED:
“That the recommendations contained in the Minutes of the Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords Area Committee (Services A – Operational Matters) Meeting held on 14th September 2023 be ADOPTED and APPROVED”.
QUESTIONS It was proposed by Councillor A. Henchy and seconded by Councillor P. Mulville and RESOLVED:
“That pursuant to Standing Order No 52, Questions numbered 02 to 58 inclusive be ADOPTED and APPROVED.”
Councillor B. Ryan - Footpath Examination - Seapoint, Balbriggan - AI091516 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Installation of Speeding Measures - Balrothery, Co. Dublin - AI092006 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Flooding Solution - Sherlock Park, Miller's Lane, Skerries - AI092007 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Tree Root Trip Hazards - Loughshinny Community Centre (L1320) - AI092009 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Pooling of Water on Footpath - Downside Heights to Shenick Road, Skerries - AI092013 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Verge Trimming - Hampton Cove, Balbriggan - AI092022 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Light Reinstatement - Downside Park, Skerries - AI092037 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Pedestrian Pathway - The Paddock and Somerton Estate, Donabate - AI092038 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Newbridge Demesne Boundary Wall Works - Hearse Road and Turvey Avenue, Donabate - AI092043 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Drainage Survey - The Naul - AI091527 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Realignment of Junction - Hannah's Avenue and the R127, Lusk - AI091706 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Request for Benches - St. Catherine's Community Garden, Rush - AI091775 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Traffic Calming Measures - South Shore Road/Golf Road Junction, Rush - AI091874 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Installation of Lighting - Walkway at The Portico, Rush - AI091879 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Report on Service Surveys - Naul Village - AI092061 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Repairs to Footpaths - Hayestown, Rush - AI092115 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Tree Inspection - Broadmeadows, Swords - AI091610 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Footpath Provision - Corballis Road to Balcarrick Golf Club - AI092117 |
Councillor J. Humphreys -Painting of Yellow Box - South Bank via Glen Ellan Road - AI092120 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Lighting Hours Extension - Millbank, Rush - AI091631 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Flooding Measures at Junction - South Shore Road/Golf Road, Rush - AI092133 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Reconfigure VAS Units - Skerries Road, Rush - AI092139 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Stone Wall Repair Report - Park Road, Rush - AI092150 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Pedestrian Crossing - Rush Side of Rush/ Lusk Train Station - AI092154 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Update on Old Lifeguard Hut - South Beach, Rush - AI092155 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Public Lighting - Healy's Lane, Rush - AI092158 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Resurfacing - Turvey Avenue - AI091644 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Overgrown Grass and Weeds - Turnapin Estate, Santry - AI091944 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Public Seating at Green Space - Old Donabate Post Office/Cemetery - AI092051 |
Councillor P. Mulville - New Public Marine Slipway at Portrane - AI092059 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Columbarium Walls in this LEA - AI092124 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Naul Balbriggan Road (R122) - AI092125 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Assessment of Trees along Portrane Road - AI092126 |
Councillor B. Manton - "Children at Play Sign" - Holywell Way - AI091718 |
Councillor B. Manton - Speed Reduction Measures - Rathbeale Road - AI092096 |
Councillor B. Manton - Garage Road Repair - Rolestown Road - AI092102 |
Councillor B. Manton - Yellow Lines - Rathbeale Crescent - AI092104 |
Councillor B. Manton - Entrance Road Repair - Columba's Estate, Swords- AI092105 |
Councillor B. Manton - Planters at Lamp Posts - Rivermeade Estate, St. Margaret's - AI092106 |
Councillor A. Graves - Report on Road Works Costing - Brackenstown Road (L2030) - AI092023 |
Councillor A. Graves - Provision of Floating Nest Box - Santry Lake - AI092035 |
Councillor A. Graves - Update regarding NTA - Holywell Crossing - AI092071 |
Councillor A. Graves - Tree Pruning - Swords Manor Estates - AI092079 |
Councillor C. Boland - Provision of Traffic Control Ramp - North Garristown Village - AI092080 |
Councillor G. Maguire - Resurfacing Road - Bell's Lane, Balbriggan - AI092089 |
Councillor G. Maguire - Update on Resurfacing of Footpath used for Junior Park Run - Balbriggan - AI092091 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Provision of Double Yellow Lines - Barnewall, Hazelwood Estates - AI092109 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Inspection of Sinkhole - Ballisk Lane, Donabate - AI092110 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Salting of the Road Schedule - Donabate and Portrane - AI092113 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Entrance Works - Somerton, Carrs Mill and Rahillion Estates, Donabate - AI092118 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Update on Public Toilets - Portrane and Donabate - AI092119 |
Councillor I. Carey - Footpath Assessment - Longlands, Swords - AI092140 |
Councillor I. Carey - Footpath Update - Swords Area - AI092141 |
Councillor I. Carey - Roadside Tree Planting - Longlands, Swords - AI092142 |
Councillor I. Carey - Barrier Planting - Jugback Lane/South Bank, Swords - AI092144 |
Councillor I. Carey - Pedestrian Access - Jugback Lane/South Bank, Swords - AI092145 |
Councillor I. Carey - Painting of Yellow Box at the Entrance - South Bank Estate, Swords. AI092146 |
Northcliffe Heights, Skerries - Traffic Calming Scheme The attached report by the Manager which had been circulated was CONSIDERED.
Ms. L. Siqueira presented the report to the meeting for recommendation.
The report was AGREED.
Councillor Ian Carey - Traffic Assessment - Rathbeale Road - AI092148 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor I. Carey was proposed by Councillor I. Carey, seconded by Councillor J. Humphreys.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor G. Maguire - Accessibility at Balbriggan Beach - AI091513 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor G. Maguire was proposed by Councillor G. Maguire, seconded by Councillor C. Boland.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor B. Dennehy - Future Maintenance of the Parklets in this LEA - AI089768 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor B. Dennehy was proposed by Councillor B. Dennehy, seconded by Councillor C. Boland.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor J. Newman - Lack of Street Lighting at Church Road - AI091191 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor J. Newman was proposed by Councillor J. Newman, seconded by Councillor D. Mulligan.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was READ.
Following discussion on this item, during which issues raised by the Members were responded to by Mr. P. Smyth and Mr. K. Broderick it was Agreed that a site meeting will take place in regard to this issue, and the issue is to be listed as a headed item for a future meeting of Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords Area Committee (Services A – Operational Matters). The report was then Noted.
Councillor P. Mulville - Cycle Lane Sweeping - Donabate Distributor Road - AI091216 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor P. Mulville was proposed by Councillor P. Mulville, seconded by Councillor A. Henchy.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor T. O'Leary - Strand Street, Skerries Resurfacing - AI092053 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor T. O’Leary was proposed by Councillor T. O’Leary, seconded by Councillor G. Maguire.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Provide Lighting - Baleally Lane, Lusk - AI092060 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor R. O’Donoghue was proposed by Councillor R. O’Donoghue, seconded by Councillor B. Dennehy.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor C. Boland - Resurfacing Road - Naul to M1 - AI092075 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor C. Boland was proposed by Councillor C. Boland, seconded by Councillor G. Maguire.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor A. Henchy - Car Park Upgrade - Balcarrick Beach, Donabate - AI092111 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor A. Henchy was proposed by Councillor A. Henchy, seconded by Councillor B. Dennehy.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor J. Newman - Footpath Construction - Ashton Broc, Swords - AI091795 The Motion in the name of Councillor J. Newman – Footpath Construction – Ashton Broc, Swords was not reached and to be Moved and listed on the Agenda for the next Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords (Services A – Operational Matters) Area Committee Meeting to be held on 9th November 2023.
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Installation of Footpath - Dun Emer to the Lodge, Ministers Road, Lusk - AI092062 The Motion in the name of Councillor R. O’Donoghue – Installation of Footpath – Dun Emer to the Lodge, Ministers Road, Lusk was not reached and to be Moved and listed on the Agenda for the next Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords (Services A – Operational Matters) Area Committee Meeting to be held on 9th November 2023.
Councillor C. Boland - Refresh Road Markings in this LEA - AI092076 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor C. Boland was proposed by Councillor C. Boland, seconded by Councillor I. Carey.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
The report was NOTED without discussion.
Councillor G. Maguire - Graveyard Expansion - Balbriggan - AI092092 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor G. Maguire was proposed by Councillor G. Maguire, seconded by Councillor I. Carey.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
The report was NOTED without discussion.
Councillor P. Mulville - Repair of Zip-Line - Newbridge Playground - AI092130 The Motion in the name of Councillor P. Mulville – Repair of Zip-Line – Newbridge Playground was not reached and to be Moved and listed on the Agenda for the next Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords (Services A – Operational Matters) Area Committee Meeting to be held on 9th November 2023.
Councillor B. Dennehy - Provision of Speed Ramps - South Shore Road, Rush - AI092156 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor B. Dennehy was proposed by Councillor B. Dennehy, seconded by Councillor I. Carey.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
The report was NOTED without discussion.
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