Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - County Hall, Swords
No. | Item |
Confirmation and Re-affirmation of Minutes of Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords Area Committee (Services A - Operational Matters) meeting held on Thursday the 11th of January 2024 Minutes of the Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords Area Committee (Services A – Operational Matters) held on the 11th of January 2024, which had been circulated were submitted, APPROVED as a true record and signed.
It was proposed by Councillor Newman and seconded by Councillor Mulville and RESOLVED:
“That the recommendations contained in the Minutes of the Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords Area Committee (Services A – Operational Matters) Meeting held on 11th January 2024 be ADOPTED and APPROVED”.
QUESTIONS It was proposed by Councillor Mulville and seconded by Councillor Newman and RESOLVED:
“That pursuant to Standing Order No 51, Questions numbered 02 to 73 inclusive be ADOPTED and APPROVED.”
Councillor P. Mulville - Path to Public Seating - Quay Road, Portrane - AI093677 |
Councillor P. Mulville - New Surface Water Pumping Station - Beaverstown, Donabate - AI093680 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Walking Route re Bus Stop - Lanestown, Donabate to Ballymadrough Lane - AI094071 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Additional Litter Bins - Newbridge Demesne - AI094075 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Provision of Beach Shower - Portrane - AI094171 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Cutting Regime - Seaview Park, Portrane - AI094255 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Pedestrian Crossing Improvement Plans - Rathmore Road, Lusk - AI094463 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Report on Digital Signage - South Beach Car Park, Rush - AI093678 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Double Yellow Lines at the Entrance to St. Catherine's Estate, Rush - AI093687 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Double Yellow Lines - The Crescent, St. Catherine's Estate, Rush - AI093692 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Report on Metal Ring Repairs - Rush Harbour - AI093700 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Weeding Machinery - Channel Road, Rush - AI093702 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Repair of Signage and Planter - Ballyboughal - AI094456 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Pencil Bollards outside SuperValu - Upper Main Street, Rush - AI094462 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Installation of Play/Exercise Equipment - The Forge Green Space, Lusk - AI093798 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Traffic Calming Measures - R128 Rush to Lusk Road - AI093960 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Traffic Calming Measures - Quickpenny Road/Chapel Green, Lusk - AI094214 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Traffic Measures/Solutions - Ballyboughal Main Street R108 - AI094256 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Public Lighting Brook Lane to Greenbrook Estate, Rush - AI094350 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Cul-de-sac Parking Issues - Linn Beag, Rush - AI094353 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Road Resurfacing - Connelly Lane, Skerries Road, Lusk - AI094501 |
Councillor K. Power - Cash/Card Parking Payment Machines - Skerries/Balbriggan Main Street - AI094147 |
Councillor D. Butler - Traffic Calming Actions - Glasmore Park, Swords - AI094221 |
Councillor A. Graves - Repaint Road Markings - Knocksedan Demesne, Swords - AI094290 |
Councillor A. Graves - "Welcome to Balbriggan" Sign - Old Castlelands Estate - AI094291 |
Councillor A. Graves - Deputation Update - Chapel Gate/Pine Ridge, Tankardstown, Balbriggan - AI094293 |
Councillor A. Graves - Traffic Lights - Turnapin Lane, Santry - AI094294 |
Councillor A. Graves - Vegetation Maintenance - Turnapin Lane, Santry - AI094295 |
Councillor A. Graves - Vegetation Maintenance - Main Swords Road, Santry - AI094296 |
Councillor A. Graves - Repainting of Cycle Lane Markings - Santry Park/Turnapin Estate - AI094297 |
Councillor G. Maguire - Water Fountains - Balbriggan Skate Park - AI094344 |
Councillor G. Maguire - Solar Lighting - Green Space at Bremore Court/Chapel Gate, Balbriggan - AI094346 |
Councillor G. Maguire - Path Repair/Replacement Works - New Market Green, Balbriggan - AI094347 |
Councillor G. Maguire - Age Friendly Parking Space - Balbriggan - AI094348 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Traffic Plan Report - Ballyboughal - AI094371 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Footpath Works Update - Church Street, Skerries - AI094372 |
Councillor B. Ryan - The Lady's Stairs Works - Ardgillan Demesne - AI094373 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Ramp Replacements - Darcystown Road, Balrothery - AI094374 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Public Consultation Update - Public Toilets - Portrane and Donabate - AI094375 |
Councillor T. Murphy - Unplayable Pitches in the Balbriggan LEA - AI094382 |
Councillor T. Murphy - Incomplete Junction Update - Balrothery Village - AI094383 |
Councillor T. Murphy - Landscaping Works - Mount Rochford Estate, Balbriggan - AI094385 |
Councillor T. Murphy - Solar Powered Lighting in this LEA - AI094386 |
Councillor T. Murphy - Removal of Boats - Balbriggan Harbour - AI094387 |
Councillor B. Manton - Replacement of Bollards - Elmwood Park, Swords - AI094390 |
Councillor B. Manton - Footpath Assessment - Elmwood Road, Park and Drive, Swords - AI094391 |
Councillor B. Manton - Entrance Road Repairs - Elmwood Road, Park and Drive, Swords - AI094393 |
Councillor B. Manton - Provision of Safe Pedestrian Crossing - St. Brigid's Church, Rolestown - AI094395 |
Councillor B. Manton - Flooding of Church Road, Rolestown - AI094396 |
Councillor B. Manton - Update on Playing Pitches Miller's Glen - AI094405 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Overview of Works - Oldtown Village - AI094434 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Overview of Works - Garristown Village - AI094435 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Sewage Leak Update - Donabate Distributor Road - AI094437 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Road Surfaces/Verges Update - Sam Dennigan Business Park, Palmerstown - AI094442 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Access Update - Portrane Beach - AI094452 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Overview of Works - Ballyboughal Village - AI094454 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Public Toilets Update - Portrane and Donabate - AI094457 |
Councillor T. O'Leary - Dishing of Footpath - Junction of Sherlock Park and Millar's Lane, Skerries - AI094441 |
Councillor T. O'Leary - Public Toilet Maintenance - South Strand, Skerries - AI094446 |
Councillor T. O'Leary - Pathway to Skerries Hockey Pitch - Millhill Park, Skerries - AI094459 |
Councillor T. O'Leary - Public Lighting Report - Skerries Mills Car Park - AI094464 |
Councillor T. O'Leary - Outdoor Chess and Table Tennis Skerries Mills Area - AI094467 |
Councillor D. Mulligan - Public Toilets Update - Swords - AI094438 |
Councillor D. Mulligan - Public Lighting Review - The Nurseries, Swords - AI094439 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Damaged Trees and Replanting in this LEA - AI094479 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Speed Ramps Installation - Longview Avenue, Oldtown - AI094485 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Public Lighting - Main Street, Swords - AI094487 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Traffic Assessment - R108, St. Margaret's Road, Knocksedan - AI094491 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Traffic Management Plan - St. Colmcille's School/Swords Cultural Quarter - AI094492 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Parking Signage - Swords - AI094497 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Blocked Shore - Jugback Lane/Glen Ellan Road, Swords - AI094498 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Update on Works - Broadmeadow Linear Park, Swords - AI094500 |
Councillor I. Carey - Holywell Park Upgrade - AI093318A The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Carey was proposed by Councillor Carey, seconded by Councillor Newman.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor T. Murphy - Speed Ramps in this LEA - AI093649 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Murphy was proposed by Councillor Murphy, seconded by Councillor Newman.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor T. O'Leary - Fire Hydrant Audit - Skerries, Balbriggan and in this LEA - AI093088 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor O’Leary was proposed by Councillor O’Leary, seconded by Councillor Power.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor B. Dennehy - Timeline for Delivery of Footpath - Old Road, Rush - AI093366 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Dennehy was proposed by Councillor Dennehy, seconded by Councillor O’Donoghue.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor K. Power - Replacement of Bin - Seacrest, Skerries - AI094145 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Power was proposed by Councillor Power, seconded by Councillor O’Leary.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor A. Graves - Installation of Traffic Safety Measures - Glasmore Park - AI094289 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Graves was proposed by Councillor Graves, seconded by Councillor Humphreys.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor J. Newman - Hazard Footpaths Repairs - Swords Village - AI094310 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Newman was proposed by Councillor Newman, seconded by Councillor Butler.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Footpath Expansion - Station Road to Rush Lusk Train Station - AI094354 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor O’Donoghue was proposed by Councillor O’Donoghue, seconded by Councillor Humphreys.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor P. Mulville - Safe Access - Portrane Beach - AI094468 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Mulville was proposed by Councillor Mulville, seconded by Councillor Henchy.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor T. Murphy - Main Street Clutter - Balbriggan - AI093664 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Murphy was proposed by Councillor Maguire, seconded by Councillor Mulville.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor T. O'Leary - Reinstate Kybe Well and Mill Cottage Wall - Skerries Mills Car Park - AI093299 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor O’Leary was proposed by Councillor O’Leary, seconded by Councillor Maguire.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor B. Dennehy - Rock Armour - North Beach, Rush - AI093661 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Dennehy was proposed by Councillor Dennehy, seconded by Councillor Henchy.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor J. Newman - Park Seating Update - Ward River Regional Park - AI094311 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Newman was proposed by Councillor Newman, seconded by Councillor Mulville.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Footpath Remediation - Park Road, Rush - AI094356 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor O’Donoghue was proposed by Councillor O’Donoghue, seconded by Councillor Dennehy.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
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