Agenda and minutes
Venue: MS Teams
No. | Item |
Confirmation and Re-affirmation of Minutes of Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords Area Committee (Services A - Operational Matters) held on Thursday the 8th of February 2024 Minutes of the Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords Area Committee (Services A – Operational Matters) held on the 8th February 2024, which had been circulated were submitted, APPROVED as a true record and signed.
It was proposed by Councillor Newman and seconded by Councillor Mulville and RESOLVED:
“That the recommendations contained in the Minutes of the Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords Area Committee (Services A – Operational Matters) Meeting held on 8th February 2024 be ADOPTED and APPROVED”.
QUESTIONS It was proposed by Councillor and seconded by Councillor Mulville andRESOLVED:
“That pursuant to Standing Order No 51, Questions numbered 2 to 62 inclusive be ADOPTEDand APPROVED.”
Councillor P. Mulville - Junction Safety Improvements - Hearse Road (R126) and Cobbe's Lane, Newbridge Demesne, Donabate - AI094465 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Safe Pedestrian Crossing - SuperValu/Ballisk Court and R126, Donabate - AI094466 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Speed Reduction Measures - Portrane Road, Donabate - AI094962 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Beach Lifeguards in this LEA - AI095042 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Temporary Toilets Repair - Portrane Green - AI095043 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Water Bottle Filling Units in this LEA - AI095044 |
Councillor P. Mulville - Outdoor Table Tennis/Chess Facilities in this LEA - AI095045 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Road Resurfacing Evaluation - Hayestown Road/Brook Lane, Rush - AI094677 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Resurfacing of R128 Road connecting Rush and Lusk - AI094858 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Traffic/Parking Restriction Measures - Brookfield Junction with Main Street, Rush - AI094859 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Crosswalk/Traffic Calming Measures - Harbour Road, Rush - AI094894 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Road Remediation - Junction of Dun Emer Avenue/Minister's Road, Lusk - AI094914 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Installation of Ramps - Chapel Farm Grove, Lusk - AI095024 |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Public Lighting - R127 Lusk Bypass/Orlynn Park - AI095026 |
Councillor G. Maguire - Football Pitches Maintenance - Glebe Park, Balrothery - AI094784 |
Councillor G. Maguire - Litter Bin Report - Balbriggan LEA - AI095033 |
Councillor G. Maguire - Traffic Calming Measures - Dublin Road, Balbriggan - AI095035 |
Councillor G. Maguire - Update on Tree Survey - Balbriggan LEA - AI095037 |
Councillor T. O'Leary - Report on Public Lighting - South Strand Path to Red Island, Skerries - AI094789 |
Councillor T. O'Leary - Report on Open Space Maintenance - Kelly's Bay, Skerries - AI095001 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Changes to Draft Harbour Bye-laws in this LEA - AI094948 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Traffic/Road Assessment - Ballisk Lane/Beaverstown Road, Donabate - AI095003 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Overgrowth Clearance Balrothery - AI095009 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Removal of Hedgerow - The Brambles, Skerries - AI095010 |
Councillor B. Ryan - Road Safety Audit - Balbriggan Combined Retail Park - AI095019 |
Councillor K. Power - Speed Ramps - Hamilton Hill, Barnageeragh, Skerries - AI094979 |
Councillor D. Butler - Update on Lighting at Laneway - Islamic Cultural Centre, Swords - AI094984 |
Councillor D. Butler - Traffic Mirror Installation - Islamic Cultural Centre, Swords - AI094985 |
Councillor D. Butler - Widen Laneway - Islamic Cultural Centre, Swords - AI094986 |
Councillor D. Butler - Tree Maintenance - Islamic Cultural Centre, Swords - AI094987 |
Councillor T. Murphy - Entrance Assessment - Balbriggan Retail Park - AI095028 |
Councillor T. Murphy - Resurface Footpaths - The Chantries, Balrothery - AI095032 |
Councillor T. Murphy - Outdoor Table Tennis/Chess Tables - Balbriggan - AI095036 |
Councillor T. Murphy - Calisthenics Equipment - Balbriggan - AI095038 |
Councillor B. Manton - Yellow Box - Pinegrove Park/Rathbeale Road, Swords - AI095046 |
Councillor B. Manton - Provision of Bus Shelter - Rolestown Village - AI095048 |
Councillor B. Manton - All-Weather Pitch Allocation Times - Rivervalley, Swords - AI095052 |
Councillor B. Manton - Fees for All-Weather Pitch - Rivervalley, Swords - AI095053 |
Councillor B. Manton - Debris Clean Up - Killossery, Rolestown - AI095056 |
Councillor A. Graves - Report on Widening of Path - Seatown Business Campus - AI095057 |
Councillor A. Graves - Report on Removal of Bus Stops - Service 103 - The Brock Inn, Broghan - AI095074 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Ballymastone Sports Campus Road Network, Donabate - AI095062 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Review of Tower Bay Car Park, Portrane - AI095064 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Main Entrance Re-assessment - Barnwall/Hazelwood Housing Estates, Donabate - AI095065 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Tree Survey - Naul Village - AI095067 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Inspection of Entrance - Turvey Cottages, Donabate - AI095069 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Pedestrian Lights - SuperValu, Donabate - AI095085 |
Councillor A. Henchy - Trees Inspection - Donabate Cemetery - AI095095 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Unblocking Drains - Quickpenny Lane, Lusk - AI095072 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Timeline for Drainage Works - Brook Road, Rush - AI095076 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Request for New Park Bench - Kenure Woods, Rush - AI095084 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Resurfacing Works - Channel Road, Rush - AI095086 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Moving the existing Bus Stop at the bend outside Kelly's Garage, Lusk - AI095094 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Road Closure Application for Broadband Works - Kilbush Lane, Rush - AI095100 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Replacement of GYM Equipment - Kenure Park, Rush - AI095105 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Traffic Assessment - Naul Road - AI095090 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Double Yellow Lines - Ashton Broc/Castleview Estates, Swords - AI095092 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Footpath Repair - Foxwood, Swords - AI095093 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Tree Removal - Castle Grove, Swords - AI095098 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Installation of Bollards - Castle Avenue/Chapel Lane - AI095099 |
Councillor J. Humphreys - Repair/Replace Bollards - Brackenstown Road, Swords - AI095101 |
Councillor B. Dennehy - Allocated Parking Spaces - Main Street, Rush - AI094469 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Dennehy was proposed by Councillor Dennehy, seconded by Councillor Manton.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Following discussion, the Committee NOTED the report.
Councillor K. Power - Beach Access - Mourne View, Skerries - AI094727 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Power was proposed by Councillor Power, seconded by Councillor Carey.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was READ.
Following discussion, the Committee NOTED the report.
Councillor C. Boland - Report on Unsafe Rural Road Network in this LEA - AI094926 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Boland was proposed by Councillor Boland, seconded by Councillor Carey.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was READ.
Following discussion, the Committee NOTED the report.
Councillor B. Ryan - Granting of Article 9, 10 and 11 of the Harbour bye-laws in this LEA - AI094950 The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was WITHDRAWN. |
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Removal of Gate - Ballisk Lane, Donabate - AI095023 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor O’Donoghue was proposed by Councillor O’Donoghue, seconded by Councillor Carey.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Following discussion, the Committee NOTED the report.
Councillor T. Murphy - Entrance Assessment - Balbriggan Retail Park - AI095029 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Murphy was proposed by Councillor Murphy, seconded by Councillor Power.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Following discussion, the Committee NOTED the report.
Councillor P. Mulville - Traffic Calming Measures - Hearse Road/Semple Woods Entrance, Donabate - AI095040 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Mulville was proposed by Councillor Mulville, seconded by Councillor Carey.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was READ.
Following discussion, the Committee NOTED the report.
Councillor A. Henchy - Address Accident Black Spot - Fieldstown Junction - AI095063 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Henchy was proposed by Councillor Henchy, seconded by Councillor Carey.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Following discussion, the Committee AGREED the report.
Councillor B. Dennehy - Toilet Facilities Report - South Beach, Rush - AI094471 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Dennehy was proposed by Councillor Dennehy, seconded by Councillor Henchy.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Following discussion, the Committee NOTED the report.
Councillor P. Mulville - Bollard Installation Report - Quay Road, Portrane - AI095041 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor Mulville was proposed by Councillor Mulville, seconded by Councillor Carey.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was READ.
Following discussion, the Committee AGREED the report.
Councillor R. O'Donoghue - Evaluation for Traffic Calming Measures - Woodland Park to GAA Complex, Park Road, Rush - AI095059 The attached Motion in the name of Councillor O’Donoghue was proposed by Councillor O’Donoghue, seconded by Councillor Dennehy.
The attached report by the Chief Executive, which had been circulated, was CONSIDERED.
Following discussion, the Committee NOTED the report.
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