Agenda and minutes
Venue: Baldoyle Library - Baldoyle. View directions
No. | Item | ||
Confirmation and reaffirmation of Minutes (a) Minutes of the Howth/Malahide Area Committee (Services B - Strategic and General Matters Meeting held on Wednesday 1st March, 2017. Minutes of the meeting of Howth/Malahide Area Committee Meeting (Services B) held on 1st March, 2017 which had been circulated were submitted:
It was PROPOSED by Councillor Keith Redmond, seconded by Councillor J. Guerin and RESOLVED:
“That the recommendations contained in the minutes of the Howth/Malahide Area Committee Meeting (B) 1st March, 2017 be ADOPTED and APPROVED.
QUESTIONS It was proposed by Councillor K. Redmond, seconded by Councillor B. McDonagh, and RESOLVED:
“That pursuant to Standing Order No. 85 Questions 2 – 12 be ADOPTED and APPROVED.
Councillor B. McDonagh - Planning enforcement Portmarnock. AI036620 |
Councillor B. McDonagh - Planning Enforcement Portmarnock. AI036618 |
Councillor D. Ni Laoi - Courthouse Howth. AI036653 |
Councillor D. Ni Laoi - right of way Baldoyle. AI036654 |
Councillor D. Healy - Howth Tram. AI036475 |
Councillor D. Healy - Fingal South Fringe Study. AI036644 |
Councillor D. Healy - Fingal South Fringe Study. AI036645 |
Councillor D. Healy - Right of way between Grange Road and Howth Junction Train Station. AI036646 |
Councillor D. Healy - Kinsaley Draft Village Design Framework Plan. AI036648 |
Councillor D. Healy - Kinsealy Local Area Plan. AI036649 |
Councillor A. Lavin - Unauthorised sign at The Spa Therapy, The Mall Malahide. AI036622 |
New Works, acceptance of tenders, etc. It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.
Applications for Funding Applications for Funding
Applications for funding under the Council's Community Arts Funding Scheme have been received from the organisations listed below. It is proposed to make funding available to these organisations, in accordance with the conditions of the scheme, up to the amount set out hereunder:-
Baldoyle Musical Production of Musical €3,000.00 & Dramatic Society
Malahide Music & Production of “The Wedding €5,000.00 Dramatic Society Singer”
Forget me nots Afternoon Tea Dance €1,500.00 Choir
Portmarnock Art Annual Exhibition €1,000.00 Group _________
TOTAL: €10,500.00
* The award of funding should represent the difference between income and expenditure for each event, up to the amounts recommended.
“It was proposed by Councillor A. Lavin and seconded by Councillor E. O’Brien:
“That this Committee recommends that the County Council APPROVE of the funding in the foregoing report.”
New Works, acceptance of tenders, etc. It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.
Correspondence Letter from Dublin Bus in response to letter dated 2nd March re Requesting that a bus stop at Malahide Tennis Court, Main Street, Malahide is made wheelchairaccessible. The attached letter from Dublin Bus dated 20th March, 2017, which had been circulated was NOTED.
New works, acceptance of tenders, etc. It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.
Proposed Disposals: It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.
Building Control Enforcement. Building Control Enforcement
Mr. Colin Gallagher, Senior Executive Engineer, Ms Sinead Murphy, Senior Engineer & Ms Mary Egan, Senior Executive Officer, gave an update to the members on Building Control Enforcement.
Following a lengthy discussion, during which Mr. Colin Gallagher, Ms Sinead Murphy and Ms. Mary Egan replied to questions raised by the Members, the report was NOTED. Councillor Cian O’Callaghan requested that his objection to the report be noted in the minutes.
Report pursuant to the Planning and Development Acts 2000- 2015 and Part VIII of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 - 2015 on the Public Consultation Process for construction of the Mayne Road/ Hole in The Wall Road Junction Upgrade , Dublin 13. Report pursuant to the Planning and Development Acts 2000- 2015 and Part VIII of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 - 2015 on the Public Consultation Process for construction of the Mayne Road/ Hole in The Wall Road Junction Upgrade , Dublin 13.
Mr. Tom O’Connor, Senior Executive Engineer gave a presentation to the meeting and replied to questions from the Members.
The Committee NOTED the report NOTED that a report on this matter would be brought to the County Council Meeting on 10th April 2017 for approval.
South Fingal Study. South Fingal Study
Mr. Sean McGrath, Senior Executive Engineer, gave a verbal presentation to the meeting and answered questions from the Members.
Following discussion the Committee NOTED the presentation and it was AGREED that an update on the matter would be presented to a future meeting of the Committee when the consultants were appointed.
Update on provision of Baldoyle to Portmarnock Walkway/Cycleway. Update on Provision of Baldoyle to Portmarnock Walkway/Cycleway
Mr. Hans Visser, Executive Parks Superintendent, gave the meeting a verbal report on progress on the provision of a walking and cycling route between Portmarnock and Baldoyle.
Following discussion the report was NOTED, and it was AGREED that the matter would be presented as a headed item to the next meeting of the Committee.
Petition - Save Baltray Park Petition – Save Baltray Park At this point the Chairperson informed the meeting that a petition with 2,785 signatures from “Save Baltray Park” had been handed to him. It was AGREED that the petition would be given to the Chief Executive.
Applications for Planning Permission and Decision - Files requested by Members:
Right of Way Careys Lane, Streamstown, Malahide. Right of Way, Careys Lane, Streamstown, Malahide
Mr. Paul Smyth, Senior Executive Officer presented a report on the matter.
Following discussion, the report was NOTED.
Marketing Suite, Racecourse Park, Baldoyle. Marketing Suite, Racecourse Park, Baldoyle
Mr. Paul Smyth, Senior Executive Officer and Ms. Íde de Bairtiseil presented a report on the matter.
Following discussion the report was NOTED and it was AGREED that a further report would be presented, as a headed item, to the June meeting of the Committee.
Files requested by the Chief Executive. It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.
New Works, acceptance of tenders, etc. It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.
New Works, acceptance of tenders etc. It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.
Proposed Disposals: It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.
Sketch layouts for proposed dwellings in the Housing Construction Programme - It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.
New Works, acceptance of tenders, etc. It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.
Area Chairperson's Business: Councillor K. Redmond. It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.
Councillor E. O'Brien - Enforcement Proceedings The attached Motion, in the name of Councillor E. O’Brien, was proposed by Councillor E. O’Brien, seconded by Councillor. K. Redmond.
The attached report the Chief Executive was READ. Following discussion the report was NOTED.
Councillor D. Healy - Station Road Portmarnock. AI034248 The attached motion in the name of Councillor D. Healy was proposed by Councillor D. Healy, seconded by Councillor B. McDonagh. The attached report, by the Chief Executive, was considered. Following discussion the report was NOTED and it was AGREED that the matter would be presented as a Headed Item at the June meeting of the Committee.
Councillor C. O'Callaghan - Derelict Sites Act Derelict Sites Act. AI034475
The attached Motion, in the name of Councillor C.O’Callaghan, was proposed by Councillor C. O’Callaghan and seconded by Councillor D. Ní Laoi.
The attached report the Chief Executive was READ and following discussion the report was NOTED.
Councillor A. Lavin - Provision of CCTV for Malahide. AI035937 Provision of CCTV for Malahide AI035937
The attached motion, in the name of Councillor A. Lavin, was proposed by Councillor A. Lavin, seconded by Councillor E. O’Brien.
The attached report the Chief Executive was READ and following discussion the motion was PASSED.
Councillor D. Ni Laoi - Old Edros Site Howth. AI036651 Old Edros Site, Howth. AI036651
The attached Motion, in the name of Councillor D. Ni Laoi, was proposed by Councillor D. Ní Laoi, seconded by Councillor C. O’Callaghan.
The attached report by the Chief Executive was READ and following discussion the report was NOTED.
Councillor E. O'Brien - Structure outside Donnybrook Fair Planning Compliant. AI035173 Structure outside Donnybrook Fair, Planning Compliant. AI035173
The attached Motion, in the name of Councillor E. O’Brien, was proposed by Councillor E. O’Brien, seconded by Councillor B. McDonagh.
The attached report the Chief Executive was READ and following discussion the report was NOTED.
Councillor D. Healy - feasibility study on cycle routes to Kinsealy. AI034475 Feasibility study on cycle routes to Kinsealy. AI034475
The attached Motion, in the name of Councillor D. Healy, was proposed by Councillor D. Healy, seconded by Councillor B. McDonagh.
The attached report the Chief Executive was READ and following discussion the motion was PASSED.
Councillor C. O'Callaghan - tree removal AI035925 Tree Removal. AI035925
The attached Motion, in the name of Councillor C. O’Callaghan, was proposed by Councillor C. O’Callaghan, seconded by Councillor K. Redmond.
The attached report by the Chief Executive was considered. Following discussion the report was NOTED.
Councillor A. Lavin - Upgrade Swords Rd Malahide. AI036610 Upgrade Swords Road, Malahide. AI036610.
The following motion in the name of Councillor A. Lavin was proposed by Councillor A. Lavin, seconded by Councillor K. Redmond.
The report was NOTED and it was AGREED that this motion would be re-entered on the agenda for the next meeting of the committee. |
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