Agenda and minutes

Venue: Baldoyle Library - Baldoyle. View directions


No. Item


Confirmation and reaffirmation of Minutes (a) Minutes of the Howth/Malahide Area Committee (Services B - Strategic and General Matters Meeting held on Wednesday 3rd May, 2017.

Minutes of the meeting of Howth/Malahide Area Committee Meeting (Services B) held on 3rd May, 2017 which had been circulated were submitted:


It was PROPOSED by Councillor K. Redmond, seconded by Councillor A. Lavin and RESOLVED:


“That the recommendations contained in the minutes of the Howth/Malahide Area Committee Meeting (B) 3rd May, 2017 be ADOPTED and APPROVED.




It was proposed by Councillor K. Redmond, seconded by Councillor A. Lavin, and RESOLVED:


“That pursuant to Standing Order No. 85 Questions 2 – 13 be ADOPTED and APPROVED.



Councillor E. O'Brien - Enforcement proceedings regarding a property in Warren Manor, Malahide. AI037486


Councillor E. O'Brien - Enforcement proceedings at Donnybrook Fair Malahide. AI037487


Councillor E. O'Brien - Proposed upgrade scheme for Malahide Village Green. AI037592


Councillor D. Ní Laoi - Howth Tram Feasibility Study. AI037536


Councillor A. Lavin - Commercial Rates collected over the last three years. AI037524


Councillor A. Lavin - Progress report on the walkway from Paddy's Hill into Seamount in Malahide. AI037596


Councillor C. O'Callaghan - Cladding - Bottle Bank Harbour Road, Howth. AI037572


Councillor C. O'Callaghan - Housing Activation Fund AI037571


Councillor C. O'Callaghan - Taking in Charge AI037570


Councillor C. O'Callaghan - Tramway Report AI037573


Councillor C. O'Callaghan - Building Information Model Survey. AI037583


Councillor D. Healy - Kinsealy Greenways. AI037577



New Works, acceptance of tenders, etc.

It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.



Applications for Funding

Applications for Funding


The following report, which had been circulated, was considered:





Applications for funding under the Council’s Community Arts Funding Scheme have been received from the organisations listed below. It is proposed to make funding available to these organisations,  in accordance with the conditions of the scheme, up to the amount set out hereunder:-



GROUP                          CATEGORY OF FUNDING              AMOUNT


St. Michael’s House                        Annual Arts Week                           € 800.00

National School


Irish Countrywoman’s       Annual Arts Exhibition                  € 512.00



Bayside Writers                   Publishing of Prose & Poetry      €1,000.00 Group                                        Book                                                ___________


TOTAL:      €2,312.00    


It was proposed by Councillor A. Lavin and seconded by Councillor J. Guerin:


“That this Committee recommends that the County Council APPROVE of the funding in the foregoing report.”




New Works, acceptance of tenders, etc.

It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.




New Works, acceptance of tenders, etc.


It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.



Proposed Disposals:

It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.




Marketing Suite, Racecourse Park, Baldoyle.

Marketing Suite, Racecourse Park, Baldoyle.


The attached report, which had been circulated, was considered:


Following a brief discussion the report was NOTED and it was AGREED that a further report would be presented, as a headed item, to the October meeting of the Committee.




Station Road, Portmarnock.

Station Road, Portmarnock


The attached report, which had been circulated, was considered:


Following a brief discussion the report was NOTED.



Report pursuant to the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2015 and Part VIII of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001-2015 on the Public Consultation Process for the proposed Holywell Pumping Station Relocation, Swords, Co. Dublin.

Report pursuant to the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2015 and Part VIII of the Planning and Development regulations 2001-2015 on the Public Consultation Process for the proposed Holywell Pumping Station relocation, Swords, Co. Dublin


The attached report, which had been circulated, was considered:


Following a brief discussion the report was NOTED



Applications for Planning Permission and Decision - Files requested by Members:

Applications for Planning Permission and Decision - Files requested by Members.

It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.



Files requested by the Chief Executive



New works, acceptance of tenders, etc.

It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.




New Works, acceptance of tenders, etc.

It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.



Proposed Disposals:


It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.



Sketch layouts for proposed dwellings in the Housing Construction Programme -

It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.




New Works, acceptance of tenders, etc.

It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.



Area Chairperson's Business: Councillor K. Redmond

It was NOTED that there was no business under this heading.




Councillor E. O'Brien - Progress of the Malahide Demesne to Newbridge House/ Broadmeadow Way scheme. AI037131

The attached Motion, in the name of Councillor E. O’Brien, was proposed by Councillor E. O’Brien, seconded by Councillor. K. Redmond.


It was AGREED to take motion item No. 34 in conjunction with this item.


The attached motion in the name of Councillor D. Healy was proposed by Councillor D. Healy, seconded by Councillor A. Lavin.


The attached report by the Chief Executive was READ. Following discussion the report was NOTED and it was AGREED that the matter would be presented as a Headed Item at the September meeting of the Committee and thereafter presented as a Headed Item on a quarterly basis. 



Councillor D. Ni Laoi - Needs Analysis Survey. AI037537

The attached motion in the name of Councillor D. Ní Laoí was proposed by Councillor D. Ní Laoí, seconded by Councillor C. O’Callaghan.


The attached report by the Chief Executive was READ.  It was AGREED that a draft of the survey would be emailed to Members for consideration and a meeting would be arranged with the Members later this month.  The motion was then PASSED.



Councillor A. Lavin - Update on Fry Model Railway & Casino Project Malahide. AI037528

The attached motion in the name of Councillor A. Lavin was proposed by Councillor A. Lavin, seconded by Councillor K. Redmond.


The attached report by the Chief Executive was READ. Following discussion the report was NOTED and it was AGREED that the matter would be presented as a Headed Item at the September meeting of the Committee and thereafter presented as a Headed Item on a quarterly basis. 



Councillor C. O'Callaghan - Baldoyle Stapolin Local Area Plan. AI037569


The attached motion in the name of Councillor C. O’Callaghan was proposed by Councillor C. O’Callaghan, seconded by Councillor K. Redmond.


The attached report by the Chief Executive was READ and following discussion the report was NOTED.



Councillor D. Healy - Malahide to Donabate Greenway. AI037578

The attached motion in the name of Councillor D. Healy was proposed by Councillor D. Healy, seconded by Councillor A. Lavin.


The attached report by the Chief Executive was READ. Following discussion the report was NOTED.


Councillor B. McDonagh - Dart Station Management. AI037589

The following motion in the name of Councillor B. McDonagh was proposed by Councillor B. McDonagh, seconded by Councillor A. Lavin.


The attached report by the Manager was READ.  Following discussion the motion was PASSED.



Councillor E. O'Brien - Security of water supply in Malahide. AI037132

The following motion in the name of Councillor E. O’Brien was proposed by Councillor E. O’Brien, seconded by Councillor K. Redmond.


Following consideration the attached Report was NOTED.



Councillor A. Lavin - Provide a floating boardwalk on the Broadmeadows Estuary Malahide. AI037538

The attached motion in the name of Councillor A. Lavin was proposed by Councillor A. Lavin, seconded by Councillor D. Healy.


The attached report by the Chief Executive was READ. Following discussion the report was NOTED. 



Councillor C. O'Callaghan - Traffic Improvements AI037568

The attached motion in the name of Councillor C. O’Callaghan was proposed by Councillor C. O’Callaghan, seconded by Councillor K. Redmond.


The attached report by the Chief Executive was READ. Following discussion the report was NOTED. 



Councillor D. Healy - Grange Road to Howth Junction Right of Way. AI037579

The attached motion in the name of Councillor D. Healy was proposed by Councillor D. Healy, seconded by Councillor D. Ní Laoí.


The attached report by the Chief Executive was READ. Following discussion the report was NOTED and it was AGREED that the matter would be presented as a Headed Item at the September meeting of the Committee. 



Councillor B. McDonagh - Japanese knotweed management report. AI037590

The attached motion in the name of Councillor B. McDonagh was proposed by Councillor B. McDonagh, seconded by Councillor K. Redmond.


The attached report by the Chief Executive was READ. Following discussion the report was NOTED. 




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